
Heather McKinley modeling pictures

It took a very long time to find these photos but i got them! They are some private, and some modeling pictures from when she was teenager.
this is a private picture taken by her boyfriend (now husband)

this is another private picture of heather in college. The ones below are modeling shots.



Brent Burns-Vanderbilt revealed by Leslie Hartley

   Leslie Hartley, Miami socialite, talked to me today and revealed all we ever wanted to know about Brent Burns. Apparently the two had a great time in Miami together until he dropped the bomb that he had a girlfriend. Leslie said they have known each other for awhile and the night after the superbowl, they went to a club together and got drunk. She said she can't reveal the details, but she went back to his room with him. The next night he took her to a family dinner and at dinner he told her, "I have a girlfriend, sorry." She said he told her how bad he wanted to be with her but couldn't because of a girl back home. That's all the details I can reveal about the get-together, but keep checking the blog to find out more about the infamous Brent.  To the right is a picture of Leslie the night she and Brent got cozy.


All About the Wealthy Babies

Today we have some very exciting news that was posted on McKinley grandparents facebook. The McKinley family has added a new addition to the family, Graham Kyle Patrick McKinley. I have the new pictures along with some older fun pics of the family. Who would have known that the Vanderbilts and the McKinleys are such great friends. We have pictures to prove it and future blogs to come.
In future blogs I will discuss the details of this adoption among other things.
This is a picture of little Jason and Brent when they were 5 years old! How cute

To the right is Zala in a new add campaign for Ugg Boots. What are they teaching young Zala about getting everything you want whenever you want? I wonder how she is taking the attention being taken from her with the new baby in the house?
For more about the McKinley family look for future blogs! Hopefully I will post some videos soon.