
Heather McKinley modeling pictures

It took a very long time to find these photos but i got them! They are some private, and some modeling pictures from when she was teenager.
this is a private picture taken by her boyfriend (now husband)

this is another private picture of heather in college. The ones below are modeling shots.



Brent Burns-Vanderbilt revealed by Leslie Hartley

   Leslie Hartley, Miami socialite, talked to me today and revealed all we ever wanted to know about Brent Burns. Apparently the two had a great time in Miami together until he dropped the bomb that he had a girlfriend. Leslie said they have known each other for awhile and the night after the superbowl, they went to a club together and got drunk. She said she can't reveal the details, but she went back to his room with him. The next night he took her to a family dinner and at dinner he told her, "I have a girlfriend, sorry." She said he told her how bad he wanted to be with her but couldn't because of a girl back home. That's all the details I can reveal about the get-together, but keep checking the blog to find out more about the infamous Brent.  To the right is a picture of Leslie the night she and Brent got cozy.